protecting global rangelands

Rangeland Stewardship Council (RSC)

The RSC is dedicated to advancing the sustainable management of global rangelands, recognising their pivotal role in supporting human livelihoods, ensuring food security, and preserving biodiversity. As a non-profit organisation, we strive to promote responsible stewardship practices that harmonise the production of essential resources with the conservation of wildlife habitats and the mitigation of climate change.

Find Out More

Rangelands cover over half of the Earth’s land surface and play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance. They support biodiversity, sustain millions of livelihoods, and provide vital ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration and water regulation.

At the heart of our mission is to develop a global benchmark for responsible rangeland management through the creation of a unified rangelands standard.

Stay in formed and mark your calendar for our upcoming events. Connect with like-minded individuals, expand your knowledge, and contribute to sustainable rangeland practices.

We invite visionary organisations to be part of our community and lead the way in shaping responsible stewardship of these valuable landscapes and promote the production of sustainable rangeland products.

Get Involved

Message from Louise Baker, Managing Director

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)

UN declares 2026 the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (IYRP)

"For the sake of future generations and economic stability, we need to improve awareness of and safeguard the immense value of rangelands."

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