
At the Rangeland Stewardship Council, we recognise that developing a unified rangeland standard is a complex task that requires the integration of diverse perspectives, knowledge, and experiences. Consultations play a pivotal role in this process, serving as a bridge between policymakers, scientists, landowners, indigenous communities, and other stakeholders. Through consultations, the unique needs and challenges of different rangeland users are brought to the forefront, ensuring that the resulting standards are not only scientifically sound but also socially and economically viable.

Purpose of Our Consultations

Share Information: Provide comprehensive information on the current state of our rangelands, ongoing stewardship efforts, and future initiatives, including the establishment of RSC’s Global Rangelands Standard (GRS).

Seek Input: Encourage stakeholders, including community members, landowners, environmental organisations, and businesses, to share their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions regarding rangeland management, particularly in the development of the GRS.

Build Consensus: Foster a collaborative approach to decision-making, striving to find common ground and develop solutions that benefit both the community and the environment.

How You Can Participate

Consultation Events: Attend workshops, roundtable discussion and conferences to learn more about the Rangeland Stewardship Council’s initiative to establish a comprehensive and collaborative rangeland standard. These events provide opportunities to ask questions, seek clarification, and share your perspectives on the principles and criteria of the Global Rangelands Standard (GRS). For details on when and where the consultations will take place, refer to the GRS Terms of Reference.

Online Platforms: Access the GRS Statement of Intent, and Feedback Form online.

Written Submissions: You can also submit written comments, suggestions, or concerns via email to

The consultation process will follow the ISEAL Standard Setting Code, which ensures at least two rounds of public consultation and meaningful engagement with all stakeholders, including those who are often underrepresented. This inclusive approach is designed to facilitate balanced and effective participation from everyone involved.

Your input is invaluable

Join the movement to shape a sustainable future by helping to safeguard the health and resilience of our rangelands.

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