Get Involved

Join us in shaping the future of our rangelands by getting involved with the Rangeland Stewardship Council. Share your expertise through consultations, volunteer your time on one of our committees, or become a member to support our ongoing efforts. Your involvement will help shape the practices and policies that protect our natural ecosystems to ensure the health of our rangelands for future generations.


The Rangeland Stewardship Council (RSC) believes that consultations are essential for developing effective and inclusive standards that reflect the needs and concerns of all stakeholders. By engaging with diverse voices, including herders and pastoralists, the RSC ensures that its guidelines are not only credible but also adaptable to various legal, social, and geographical contexts.

In line with this commitment, consultations for the Global Rangelands Standard (GRS) are a key component in shaping internationally recognised guidelines. Your feedback is crucial in refining the GRS core principles to address the unique challenges and opportunities in rangeland management across the globe.

"Despite numbering an estimated half a billion individuals worldwide, pastoralist communities are frequently overlooked, lack a voice in policy-making that directly affects their livelihoods, marginalised, and even often seen as outsiders in their own lands."


The Rangeland Stewardship Council (RSC) operates through a structured governance system designed to ensure inclusive and balanced decision-making in the development, implementation, and continuous improvement of rangeland standards. This structure is supported by three key committees: the Steering Committee (SC), the Standards Setting Committee (SSC), and the Science Technical Committee (STC).

We are seeking individuals with expertise to join the working groups under the Standards Setting Committee (SSC). The SSC develops and refines standards for sustainable rangeland management, with working groups focusing on areas such as Animal Husbandry, Certification, Standards and Assurance, Production & Processing, Decent Work & Human Well-being, and Rangeland Management.


We invite visionary organisations to join us as members and lead the way in shaping the future of rangeland management.

By becoming a part of our community, your organisation can actively contribute to developing sustainable practices and innovative solutions for rangeland ecosystems. Together, we can ensure the responsible stewardship of these valuable landscapes and promote the production of sustainable rangeland products.

Explore the significant difference your organisation can create as an RSC Member.

RSC Team

As our dedicated team continues to work tirelessly behind the scenes, we are actively seeking individuals who are eager to join us on this incredible journey of promoting sustainable rangeland management. If you share our enthusiasm for the mission of the Rangeland Stewardship Council and are committed to the responsible use of our rangeland resources, we invite you to express your interest and become part of our evolving story by sending us your CV and a cover letter to

Stay tuned for updates on vacancies and introductions of new members to our team. We’ll be highlighting the skills and expertise that will help us advance rangeland stewardship.

Create a lasting impact.

Become a part of our dynamic community and contribute to
meaningful change in global rangelands.

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