Introducing the Global Rangelands Standard

In response to the pressing need for improved management of global rangelands, the Rangeland Stewardship Council (RSC) is advancing the development of the Global Rangelands Standard (GRS).

In response to the pressing need for improved management of global rangelands, the Rangeland Stewardship Council (RSC) is advancing the development of the Global Rangelands Standard (GRS). This initiative aims to establish a comprehensive framework for sustainable rangeland management and to recognise the contributions of producers who adhere to sustainable practices.

The GRS will tackle the complexities of rangeland management by drawing on existing programs and integrating diverse perspectives, including ecological, social, and economic factors. By adopting the One Health perspective, the standard seeks to balance environmental conservation with social responsibility and economic viability.

The development of the GRS is supported by the UNCCD, SFA, and the Global Environment Facility-funded project Sustainable Investments in Large-Scale Rangelands Restoration (STELARR), which is managed by IUCN, ILRI, and other partners. It involves extensive consultations with experts and stakeholders to ensure that the standard addresses the multifaceted challenges of rangeland management. These consultations provide a platform for rigorous discussion and feedback on the proposed framework, contributing to the establishment of a robust standard for sustainable rangeland management.

For more information about the consultations and how you can participate, please contact us at

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