RSC Communities


To be part of the RSC communities, we invite you to submit an application by clicking here. For more information about the requirements to join, please email us at

Standard Setting Committee (SSC)

The SSC consists of working groups that provide expert advice on the scope and development of standards and initiatives, ensuring they align with global principles and address emerging issues in rangelands.

Steering Committee

The SC shapes the strategic direction of the Rangeland Stewardship Council, ensuring that the organisation’s mission, values, and goals are consistently aligned. It provides oversight to ensure initiatives are effectively executed to drive the Council’s objectives forward.

Science Technical Committee (STC)

The STC contributes specialised knowledge and research to the development of standards and supporting systems. It ensures standards are robust, effective and meet global best practices in sustainability.

RSC Membership

The Rangeland Stewardship Council Membership portal is designed for members to access curated resources, participate in specialised forums, and stay updated with members-only events and content.

This RSC is supported by the UNCCD, SFA and the Global Environment Facility-funded STELARR (Sustainable Investments for Large-Scale Rangeland Restoration) Project, which is implemented by IUCN and executed by ILRI and partners. Additional funding is provided by the European Commission.

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